Teeth Whitening - Upper East Side NY Dentist | Classi Smiles (2024)

Teeth Whitening inNew York, NY

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is the process of removing stains from teeth for a clearer, whiter smile. By removing discoloration, Dr. Classi can help you achieve a glowing smile. The color of your teeth is created by reflecting light off of the outermost part of your tooth (enamel). This light, combined with the color of the bony tissue that forms your tooth (dentin), creates the color of your teeth. Lifestyle choices can also affect the color of your teeth. Common factors that may discolor your smile include poor oral hygiene, tobacco use, and frequently drinking tea, coffee, or soda.

What types of teeth whitening in NYC do you offer?

At Classi Smiles, we focus on creating a bright white smile and offer teeth whitening to remove stains, discolorations, and dull colors. A teeth whitening treatment is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic dentistry procedures currently available. Teeth whitening is so commonly requested because it is a noninvasive treatment that can dramatically improve your smile and help you regain confidence. Zoom! teeth whitening and teeth whitening trays are 2 of our most popular teeth whitening treatments.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening:

Zoom! teeth whitening is a popular tooth whitening treatment that can help lighten your teeth and remove dark stains and tooth discoloration. Before receiving Zoom! teeth whitening, Dr. Classi will evaluate your tooth and gum health to make sure that you are a proper candidate for this teeth whitening procedure. Dr. Classi may also suggest you have a routine teeth cleaning prior to your Zoom! teeth whitening procedure.

To begin your Zoom! teeth whitening treatment, Dr. Classi will prepare your lips and gums for the tooth whitening procedure. A liquid or gel is placed over the lips and gums to protect them from any of the bleaching agent and to avoid bleaching your lips or gums. After your lips and gums have been prepared, only your teeth will be left exposed. The Zoom! teeth whitening gel will then be applied to each tooth evenly. A special light is placed over your teeth, which activates the gel and begins brightening your teeth. The gel will be left to rest on your teeth for 15-20 minutes while stains and discolorations are removed. The tooth whitening gel will then be removed, but you will repeat the process 1-2 more times for the brightest, whitest smile possible. Following your Zoom! teeth whitening procedure, a special gel will be applied to your teeth, which will reduce any sensitivity you may feel.

Teeth Whitening Trays:

Teeth whitening trays are commonly referred to as bleaching trays or teeth bleaching trays. Teeth whitening trays are customized to fit your smile perfectly. After taking a digital impression of your teeth, Dr. Classi can create a tray that snuggly and comfortably fits along your teeth. You will then be allowed to take these bleaching trays with you for in-home teeth whitening.

Every day, you will apply small amounts of whitening gel to your bleaching trays. It is important not to overfill your teeth whitening trays or to spread the gel around. The whitening gel will naturally cover your teeth when you put your bleaching trays in. After applying the whitening gel to your bleaching trays, you will insert the teeth whitening trays into your mouth so that they are securely placed over your teeth. Dr. Classi can discuss with you how long and often you should wear your teeth bleaching trays for the best results. When you are ready to remove your bleaching trays, you should thoroughly rinse off your teeth to remove any excess whitening gel. You can do this by brushing your teeth and flossing afterwards. Dr. Classi will also prescribe you a special toothpaste that will reduce sensitivity after you remove your teeth whitening trays. It is important to keep your whitening trays clean by brushing them with a toothbrush or running them under cold water. Do not boil your teeth whitening trays or subject them to warm or hot water, as this can change the shape of your teeth whitening trays and make them no longer fit your smile correctly. It is recommended that you store your teeth whitening trays in a cool area that is not under direct heat or sunlight.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

The length of time your teeth whitening results last depends on your diet and oral hygiene. If you continue to drink coffee and substances that are known to stain your teeth, you will notice a duller smile and discolorations sooner than those who do not drink coffee. Additionally, proper oral hygiene and routine dental exams and cleanings are extremely important for long-term teeth whitening results. A teeth whitening procedure is a long-lasting whitening treatment that can provide you with a beautiful smile, but no tooth whitening treatment lasts forever. After your teeth whitening procedure, your teeth can still be damaged and stained through diet or wear and tear, especially if you ingest foods or drinks that stain teeth. The majority of patients can enjoy brighter, whiter teeth for 1-2 years after their teeth whitening procedure, while some patients can enjoy a white smile for even longer.

How can I get started with teeth whitening?

Dr. Classi would be happy to discuss teeth whitening with you. To learn more about teeth whitening with Dr. Anthony Classi at Classi Smiles, pleaserequest an appointmentonline or call our dental office at212.682.3313.

Teeth Whitening - Upper East Side NY Dentist | Classi Smiles (2024)
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